Three Practical Guidelines on Protecting and Restoring Your Bushland

Natural bushland in the country has experienced extensive degradation due to problems such as the introduction of alien species, climate change and general human activities. If you are a landholder with valuable remnant bushland, you should consider initiating a bush regeneration project. As implied, this practice is designed to facilitate the rehabilitation of the deteriorating native bush. The ultimate goal is to restore the damaged land and maintain a natural ecosystem with indigenous flora. Here are some simple tips to help you protect and rehabilitate your bush:

Protect the Land from Animals

When attempting to regenerate native bushland in your property, you should protect the area from animals. Often, animals will eat the young growing plants or destroy them, preventing bush regeneration. Therefore, if you have livestock or wild herbivores in your land, you should build a secure fence around before planting young indigenous plant. This structure will keep goats and cattle as well as deer and other large animals from the regenerating land. The right type of fencing will depend on the specific creatures you would like to keep away. If small animals such as possums and rabbits are a problem in your area, you should think about establishing a control programme before commending the rehabilitation program.

Manage the Weeds

Weeds can limit and even halt the growth of newly planted bush. In simple terms, the presence of weeds causes competition for nutrients, compromising the development of the indigenous flora. Therefore, if you want to enjoy faster and healthier growth of your bush, you should manage the weeds. In general, you should use weed control methods which cause minimal disturbance to the other plants in the area. For example, you can control weeds by handpicking and spot spraying with herbicides. You can also suppress the growth of the invasive plants by using natural mulch on the areas around the growing plants.

Choose the Right Plants

Finally, you should select the right indigenous plants for your bush regeneration project. The wrong choice of flora can slow down the rehabilitation process unnecessarily or even compromise the bushland. Ideally, you should choose native plants which are indigenous to your region. These plants will grow with ease in your soil, eliminating the need for extensive care. Also, the plants should be eco-sourced locally to prevent genetic pollution which occurs when a plant from another region creates a hybrid with the local ones.

If you are uncertain about the right processes for ensuring successful bush regeneration, you should consult professional bushland rehabilitation experts for assistance. 
