Four Critical Issues to Address Before Commissioning Tree Removal

Trees are beneficial as part of the residential landscape. They improve the appeal of the property and contribute to a healthier environment. Unfortunately, these plants do not always grow as perfectly as expected. Moreover, their health can be compromised by disease, pests and natural disaster. As a result, tree removal might become necessary. However, you should never rush a decision on cutting down a tree. Here are crucial issues that you should address before choosing to have a tree removed.

Council Regulations

The environmental and health benefits of trees are numerous. In simple terms, trees absorb carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas, and they release oxygen. They also minimise erosion and contribute to the precipitation cycle. Moreover, some trees have historical significance. Therefore, trees should never be cut down carelessly. There are regulations which are put in place to prevent indiscriminate tree removal. If you would like to eliminate a tree on your property, you should consult the local council before proceeding.

Tree Condition

You should evaluate the condition of the tree with care before making your decision on removal. Sometimes, the problems you wish to resolve by cutting down the plant can be dealt with in another, less destructive way. For example, some diseases and pests can be treated using speciality products to restore the health of the tree. Moreover, if the tree was damaged by a natural disaster, it can be pruned, eliminating the dangers. You should engage an expert for assessment and recommendations.

Potential Hazards

You should think about the potential hazards that your tree could cause when cutting down the tree. Knowing the risks will help you take measures to prevent any disasters. For instance, if the tree is close to the electrical lines, you might have to consult the utility provider for inspection and assistance. Also, some trees might be close to the neighbour's property. In that case, you should discuss your plans to cut the tree with the property owner. They will keep their family away from the area during the project, and you will avoid disputes.

Professional or DIY Removal

Finally, you must choose between professional and DIY tree removal. The latter option is selected because it provides an opportunity to save money. However, you should note that the potential hazards will be higher if you choose self-removal. If you are not experienced with cutting trees or working at height, you could damage your property and power lines and even cause injuries. Therefore, for the best results, you should engage a tree removal service.
